Jarhead: An Engaging Look at Bored Soldiers

Saw Jarhead tonight. And while it seems like Jake Gwylenhall is flooding the theatres right now (look for his risque gay-cowboy flick Bareback Mountain coming over the next few weeks), it's certainly not a bad thing.
Jarhead, is based on a book by Anthony Swoffer who actually served in the Iraq war, in the laughable Desert Shield / Storm operation. What was a facade by the first Bush administration to secure oil under the guise of "Freedom for All" (sound familiar anyone?), the film takes a close look at the poor dumb bastards who are stuck on the front lines.
Like American Beauty, this film is quite subversive and does a fine job at exposing an oft-overlooked aspect of war: waiting around doing nothing.
While there is little actual combat, the film instead draws tension heavily through the theme of a frustrated soldier trained to kill - with nothing to kill.
So, where does all that pent up frustration go? Well, we get to see lots of scenes of masochism, cruelty and plain old perverted/demented behavior. While I've never been in the military, what is in Jarhead seems realistic if only for the fact that it's so bent, only real life could be that way.
Aside from some incredible imagery, the performances by Jake G, his sniper cohort Peter Saarsgard, and Jamie Foxx are all excellent. If Peter Saarsgard doesnt get an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor, then it's because the 'academy' got squeamish over the political undertones - and that would be a shame.
8 stars outta 10.
Good for the theatres, a definite renter if you get the chance.
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