George Bush: Lying Scum, But Then Again, That's Not News.

On an interesting and sad, (albeit unsurprising) note, footage has leaked out that shows George Bush clearly informed about the impending issues with Hurricane Katrina.
The video, of a briefing one day before the hurricane struck, has an individual warning the administration about the potential of the New Orlean's levees being breached.
Lo and behold, the levees did breach, and a whole slew Louisiana folks died.
Afterwards, George had the gumption to say on TV, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees"
What about the folks who told you in the briefing you lying waste of skin?
Perhaps there's a definitional gap between what George considers "anybody". I suppose if you're right wing, ultra conservative with a ton of money invested in propping up the current White House cronies you might be considered an "anybody".
But if you're poor or black or hispanic or at least one in two Americans, consign yourself to the fact of being a "nobody".
New Orlean's mayor Ray Nagin, upon seeing the tapes was quoted as saying, "You know, from this tape, it looks like everybody was fully aware. I have kind of a sinking feeling in my gut right now."
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