Great Lake Swimmers - crystal clear falsetto!

Just a quick note on the gig me and Hil went to late Wednesday night. Over the span of these past few months, we've been getting to more and more shows, and slowly learning the ins and outs of the various venues.
Last night's gig was at the Rivoli, which reminded me of the mighty (now gone, snif-sniff) Night Gallery from back home. Long narrow room, wood floor, seats on the side walls, and most importantly, incredible sound.
For a paltry $10, we were able to see three acts.
First up was the Mendoza Line, which is a baseball reference to a mediocre player called Mendoza. He had the uncanny ability to play just barely well enough to stay in the pro's. His batting average, .215 (I believe), is known today as the "Mendoza Line" and is the hallmark of underachieving millionaire baseball players. In terms of the band, Mendoza Line was pretty darn mediocre too. Zero energy, and one of those weird duo acts that show up every now and then - this time with a guy on a guitar and the lead singer doing some half-hearted tambourine work in between listless vocals. The guy had the gumption to sing every now and then like Bob Dylan - which just ain't cool. Only Bob Dylan is allowed to sing like Bob Dylan. Anyone else sounds like they need dristan. Respect please!
The second act was Picastro (Probably the greatest band name I've heard all year!), and they are dark and evil. 4 piece band, female vocalist on an acoustic guitar and a haunting voice akin to Chan Marshall of Cat Power. But what really gave them distinction was their cello player. At times dissonant, consistently brooding, and very, very intense in that slow, doom is coming way. I think they'll be huge soon (probably get picked up on a soundtrack for a Lynch film). Hilary thinks I'm crazy. Regardless, keep an eye out for Picastro.
And finally, The Great Lake Swimmers. Think Troubador Toronto boy done good, singingly achingly beautiful melodies with a pristine falsetto. Don't laugh - that falsetto is good, and the boy can SING.
Hmmmm - do consider either of the past 2 Great Lake Swimmer CD's for a pleasant, thoughtful xmas gift for that person out there who needs that sweet slow CD to sit down with - that person in your life who takes the time to listen to the lyrics while they're holding their head in their hands, gazing at the wall.
(But only if they already own some Iron and Wine! Sam Beam still rules the acoustic universe!)
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