Christmas Shopping / Kozyndan

Just writing early this Saturday morning. I've got a big day ahead of me, so I figure'd I'd post sooner in the day.
Yesterday was a fine day in TO. The weather had taken a turn for the warmer, which made walking the streets easier. Headed out with Hil to some shops to look for gifts. She's shopping for her family and some friends, me - I'm still mulling over what to do. Probably some sort of online gifts or such would be smart, as I'm well past the chance to get things in time via mail.
As with all things Toronto - it's amazing how much choice you have. No matter how obscure your interest or taste it seems, not only does TO have a shop that caters to it, there are probably several.
We went to some nifty shops on College Street and Queen West, which reminded us truly how fortunate we are to live where we do. Sure, our apartment has mice, and there was a heinous odor of dog urine that took 4 weeks to get rid of , and sure, the back window in the bathroom never closed so that eventually it got so cold I head to seal it shut with cauling and plastic...
But, it's location, location, location. Why live in a big city if you're stuck one hour out in the desolate suburbs? That seems like the worst of everything. Sure, for the same amount of rent, you get a bigger place that's insulated, pest free, and bigger than a submarine - but there's no culture. Big-box-retail is NOT culture.
We were inside this one store called Magic Pony that carries the most sublimbe asian dolls - not the syrupy cute Hello Kitty stuff, but the real quirky dolls and figurines that are made purposefully ugly. It's amazing seeing grown men and women paying over a hundred dolls for a plastic figurine!
The highlight is seeing prints available by Kozyndan. This is a couple based in LA, where she does incredible pencil work and he colors them in digitally. Their work is sublime, and often full and bursting with color, detail and life. They're responsible for the great image on today's post. But to see their truly good stuff, go to and check out their "panoramics". Incredible!
Well, gots to go,
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