This Season is Stupid / The Door in the Floor

Xmas is good, but god, it's out of control. Just a mini-rant on the ludicrosity of having to go out and buy presents. What the heck for? Just to get our money into the pockets of the retailers I suppose. And the worst part is, deep down inside, you really would like to find the perfect gift for your special someone...
So, off I go. Too busy, too rushed, but still, off I go.
PS - me and my lovely saw "The Door in the Floor" last night. Probably one of the better rents we've had recently. It's based loosely on John Irving's "Widow for One Year", and Jeff Daniels does a fine job. Kim Basinger still looks great, and as an interesting point, the film focuses only on the first 100 pages of Irving's book.
This is a testament to not only the richness of "Widow for One Year", but also Irving's knack at crafting epic stories. So, in summary, a good solid movie, but for a more enriching entertainment experience, check out the book.
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