Wow - have things ever been busy. Thursday night, we had Hil's friends Sarah and Rob over. They spent the night, and we had good chats. Looking back, that was a full, full day - of teaching, buying groceries, prepping dinner, working at the studio, and trying to figure out how to do cash out at the end of the night (I couldn't possibly imagine the hellish life of being an accountant). I was spent by the time bed was calling my name.
And up again too early - for practice at the studio. It's funny how I can be tired, yet still want to practice. Probably because I practice in such a way it's fun, and also because Ron Reid is the most technical and experienced Ashtanga instructor in Canada. This guy is the best.
Practice was good - as the cobwebs started to roll away from the edges of my fuzzy head. After that, headed home, hung out with Sarah and Rob some more, and then wished them the best.
Stopped back at Downward Dog (It's like I live there), and did some help around the front desk. Also, made a trip down to the bank, to take care of some of their payments. I hate going to the bank - and silly me, at this time, it was absolutely packed. Waited twenty-five minutes in a "business customers" line that barely moved. Maddening.
On an interesting note though, Mark McKinney of "Kids in the Hall" fame stepped into the bank. My second famous person sighting on Queen W (The other being troubador Ron Sexsmith). Mark looked like everyone else at this time of the year - frazzled by the holiday, trying to catch up with the zillion and one things to do. He had Christmas wrapping and a package with him, I think. I heard him talk with the security guard about how he could get a $50 bill. Not 2 twenties and a ten, but specifically a $50 bill.
What's Mark need with a fifty? Who knows - eventually he left. I debated saying something to him, but was afraid he'd pull out his pointer finger and thumb and "squish my head" :)
And up again too early - for practice at the studio. It's funny how I can be tired, yet still want to practice. Probably because I practice in such a way it's fun, and also because Ron Reid is the most technical and experienced Ashtanga instructor in Canada. This guy is the best.
Practice was good - as the cobwebs started to roll away from the edges of my fuzzy head. After that, headed home, hung out with Sarah and Rob some more, and then wished them the best.
Stopped back at Downward Dog (It's like I live there), and did some help around the front desk. Also, made a trip down to the bank, to take care of some of their payments. I hate going to the bank - and silly me, at this time, it was absolutely packed. Waited twenty-five minutes in a "business customers" line that barely moved. Maddening.
On an interesting note though, Mark McKinney of "Kids in the Hall" fame stepped into the bank. My second famous person sighting on Queen W (The other being troubador Ron Sexsmith). Mark looked like everyone else at this time of the year - frazzled by the holiday, trying to catch up with the zillion and one things to do. He had Christmas wrapping and a package with him, I think. I heard him talk with the security guard about how he could get a $50 bill. Not 2 twenties and a ten, but specifically a $50 bill.
What's Mark need with a fifty? Who knows - eventually he left. I debated saying something to him, but was afraid he'd pull out his pointer finger and thumb and "squish my head" :)

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