I Have Seen the Future, and it is Final Fantasy

Hello - just wanted to write a quick blurb about a show Hil and I saw (with LK and AZ) this last Sunday at the Music Gallery.
Right now, the Music Gallery is my hands-down favorite for best music venue in TO - it's a tiny church on John Street, just off of Queen! I don't know how the people that put this event on were able to develop such a solid rapport with the church folks, but you can imagine the delight of hearing incredible music in a smaller church setting. Stained glass, sitting in pews, or for those that want to get closer, on the floor itself. Everything has such a "music first! make money for the promoter last" sort of feel.
Opening acts were interesting, as the show was called "The Man Show". First band, Mattias was BORING. Whatever happened to showmanship? One trick pony, uber boring band - Angela astutely pointed out how we could do that - ie play one-note melodies of straight up quarter notes.
Second act, was Mantler. Mantler is a keyboard playing, singer guy. Dressed in a top hat and suit, scruffy Mantler sang songs of beautiful poetic images, and with so much sincerity, that you couldn't help but love him. Reputedly big in Germany, it'd be nice to see Mantler get some Canadian support. (That name is a hindrance though: M + Antler, and you get Mantler?)
But the penultimate moment of the evening was Final Fantasy - aka Owen Pallett. Classically trained, super young, and brimming with creativity, Owen is currently one of the "big things" on the Toronto music scene. And with good reason. Using a loop machine, he is able to make the most devestating and beautiful sounds on a violin. Stuff that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end . For the first time, it's all rather dismaying seeing tiny Owen screaming into the soundbox of the violin to distort his voice, or pounding the housing like a drum. His songs are futuristic - at times avante guard and strange and then soaring into beautiful crescendos with a classical flavour. Contrast and colour, power and precision. This guy is incredible - ultra innovative, supernatural.
He should be touring more, as he seems to be releasing a new album.
If he comes to your neck of the woods, do not miss him.
You will be missing the future.
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