Eve of Christmas

Ahhhh!!! Just one more day 'til Xmas!
(thank god!)
Last night and today have been fun and busy days. I picked up Hil's younger sister, Joanna at the Via Rail station. What a mess! 3 rows deep of cabs fighting for fares, and families picking up loved ones amidst the scourge of bumper-to-bumper. I guess everyone was taking the 8:37 train in from the outskirts of the GTA. I resorted to the skilled tactic of jumping out of the truck every few moments, and screaming "JOANNA!?!?".
Evenutally I found my red-haired friend, and all was good. The wall of taxis parted just as a big tour bus lumbered toward us, and we were able to make a quick getaway home.
We had one of those big slow dinners of asian frittata, samosas and pita that night. My new found love for cooking is beginning to match my always constant love for food. Because we live in a hole in the wall on the third floor of a narrow townhouse, our kitchen table is our coffee table, and our kitchen chairs are our couch, which is actually a futon. Regardless, it all works in a cute homey way, and when we have guests over, it's like eating in a boat, with a tiny galley and all. Conversation just seems to flow nicely when things are a little more close, and the table is low to the floor.
This morning, I worked the desk at Downward Dog and dealt with the last of the last-minute shoppers. Most folks are pretty calm, surprisingly calm, so by the time the shift ended in the early afternoon, I was feeling nice and Christmasey. Had ample to time to fire xmas emails to all my dearest friends, and it's surprising how freely the words can flow when you're in the mood.
Adding to that the fact of my Xmas Cheers was that I was able to cash out correctly on my first try! (A far cry from my near tears of rage with the debit machine and cash register a few nights ago)
My dear friend and studio manager Leslie also gave Hil and I some brilliant tiny gifts, and with that we parted out holiday ways. Ms Kriekle rules.
I picked up Hil and Joanna and we drove out to the Sunnybrook hospital so they could visit their grandfather again. Jo hadn't seen him in over a year, so despite the looming deadline to catch a plane, we got her out.
And in the end - things went smashingly. They had a great visit with their grandfather, and we made good time on the 401, getting Joanna off to the airport with time to spare. The poor girl has a 7 hour flight to London, then a ten hour stopover on Xmas day, before the last epic leg to Cairo. I take Hil to the airport on Boxing Day, and after that, it will just be me, myself and I.
I was remarking to Hil how I bet all the kids out there are excited. And to all you, my dearest friends, I hope you're excited too! Sleep well tonight, languish around, eat lots, and do know that I'm wishing you all the happiest of holidays! I may be far, but that doesn't mean I don't think of you all the time :)
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