Introducing: CAFE KOI :)

Whew - a long day. Woke up groggy from too little sleep, and by the time I stumbled on my bike, I was still bleary. Riding bikes in the wet - not fun, but it beats driving in Toronto any day. Got up to the Yorkville Club (this posh place that I teach - see link in sidebar) and happily enough, I had a large group. This week between Xmas and New Years has been purgatory in the yoga world. Everyone's either away, too full of tryptophan, or busy shopping.
Taught a strong class, and afterwards, went and did some deskwork for Downward Dog. After that, taught at Tula yoga. I'm hemming and hawwing if I want to teach for Tula anymore. These first few weeks in the new year will decide - I'm paid by the student, and damnit, these classes need more people!
Came home, and now that I've been freed from the clutches of Xmas leftovers, it's time to start cooking again. Made a great curry, which I've been munching with stale bread (okay, I lied, there's still a loaf of bread from the 25th to go thru), and had a Fin de Monde. A 9% beers + dehydration + hot curry = I'm feeling it.
For those of you that drink beer, it's time to get efficient. Quit bulging those bellies with 4 coronas, or worse yet, a box of Alberta Genuine Draft - start drinking the good stuff: anything from Quebec's Unibroue label will do : Fin du Monde, Maudite, etc, etc.
On a final note of utmost importance, I've been corresponding with my dear friend Natasha Peace (the lovely in today's picture). Together with business partner Phil Wong (formerly of the Coup), Ms Peace has opened her own incredible restaurant to augment Calgary's dining cuisine - and it's affordable too! Quit going to the Living Room and putting on airs! While I haven't had a chance to eat there (I'm 3 provinces away), I do know that Natasha is a fantastic person, and pours her heart into everything she does. Plus - she's a yogini so you know you'll be treated with respect! Give her a chance when you get the chance!
The restaurant's called "Cafe Koi", and from the website, this place looks fab. The culinary delights look downright delightful, and in the spirit of community, they feature the work of local up and coming artists. Someone, please drop me a line and tell me how it is.
Check it at:
A slightly tipsy cheerio,
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