St Exupery, and A Busy Day

Despite my beautiful Hilary being away, the days still find me busy. Hung out with Rob, worked on some stuff, wound up teaching at Downward Dog (craziness), and now a friend from back in the day is coming over. It's almost midnight! Oh well - this is the perfect time of the year for visits out of the ordinary.
As food for thought, I'm submitting a quote that I saw just recently. It's nice - you can apply to everything - whether it's your mindset, your yoga practice, or even the things you appreciate in life:
"Have you ever thought...about but whatever man builds,
that all of man's industrial efforts, all his computations
and calculations, all the nights spent over working draughts
and blueprints, invariably culminate in the production of a
thing whose soul and guiding principle is the ultimate
principle of simplicity?
It is as if there were a natural law which ordained that to
achieve this end, to refine the curve of a piece of furniture
or a ship's keep, or the fuselage of an airplane, until
gradually it partakes of the elemental purity of the curve
of a human breast or shoulder, there must be the
experimentation of several generations of craftsmen.
In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when
there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no
longer anything to take away, when a body has been
stripped down to its nakedness."
-Antoine de Saint Exupery, WIND, SAND, STARS
Yes, that's right, the same Antoine de Saint Exupery
who wrote the Little Prince :)
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